
Thank you for your contribution to the ministries of Daybreak.

  • Use our secure online portal for a one time gift or a recurring gift.

  • 1. Add a new contact to your phone.
    2. Give it the name “Daybreak Gifts”.
    3. Enter this number for that contact: 616-499-3063.
    4. Text the word GIVE, and hit “send”.
    5. A link will appear. Enter your contact and payment information and set up a one-time gift or a recurring gift.
    6. Access your account. After you take these first few steps, you’ll see how easy it is to TEXT GIVE to Daybreak.

  • You can also give cash or check at our Sunday services at 9:30/11:00am. If you wish to mail in your gift, make your checks payable to: "Daybreak" and mail to our church office: 3501 Baldwin Street, Hudsonville, MI 49426.